Proxima is working closely with organization related to project management.
Skills and knowledge partnering are project manager’s daily duty. Proxima staff continuously grows with their support. We want to particularly mention those below :
- PMI : The project management institute (PMI) is a relevant world-wide professional association in project management with over 300.000 members over the world. The association creates the PMBOK (projet management body of knowledge) and delivers international recognized certifications in project management. Within PMI Montreal chapter, Proxima has created the community of practice : Project Planning & controlling. Every month, They organize conferences and round tables allowing members to exchange knowledge and best practices in project management, and more precisely in the field of planning and controlling.
- Éole de technologie supérieure (ÉTS): In this school, Proxima is actively involved to train future engineers. Based on study cases and everyone participation, the delivered program allows students to cope with project management reality.
- Beauce Entrepreneuship School : This school prepares actual and future leaders in a technical and mental way. This unique program in the world allows Proxima’s leading committee to face future issues and prepare company development.
- AeroMontreal : AeroMontreal is a professional association which mission is to put all aerospace actors together with common objectives and agreed action in order to increase its cohesion and optimize growth, competitiveness and aerospace field prosperity.
- Proxima involvement and contribution in project management excellence is recognized in becoming a partner of AeroMontreal.