We, at Proxima management, believe that the tools used to manage a project are important. But no matter what tools are used, THE project manager will make the difference.
However, every project manager have their own preferences and use the tools they believe are the best for them. Here’s one of the good software solutions we appreciate: ACUMEN.
Acumen suite
Project schedule analysis, risk management and acceleration
Want your team to make the best decisions and improve project? Then, The Acumen Suite is THE tool you need. It automates project schedule analysis, project risk management and schedule optimization. Acumen Fuse, Acumen Risk and 360 and Acumen Touchstone are all part of the award-winning suite, making it a complete solution to improve schedule quality, reduce project risks and accelerate scheduling.
Want to know more? Click here!
Acumen Fuse
Quality schedules improve project success
A solid and reliable project schedule will help accurately forecast costs, completion and revenue. Acumen Fuse helps analyze schedule and cost data to create the best schedules and most accurate cost estimates possible. Acumen Fuse helps understand and improve your schedule and, on top, helps improve compliance with its built-in analysis of many industry standard metrics and benchmarks.
To know more about Acumen Fuse, click here!
Acumen Risk & 360
Reduce risk, mitigate impacts and improve project success
Acumen Risk & 360 is the module for improving schedule quality and risk management. It helps deliver projects on schedule and on budget. Acumen Risk will help you risk adjust schedules and Acumen 360 will help you generate reliable schedule scenarios.
For more information on Acumen Risk & 360, click here!
Acumen Touchstone
Automated Schedule Submission, Evaluation and Storage Portal
Touchstone provides a project schedule submittal portal that automates the objective quality assessment and storage of schedule file submissions. This ensures all schedules get a timely review and gives the program management team time to work on the schedules that need help. Touchstone helps improve schedule quality by instantly providing feedback on quality issues to the submitter while they have time to fix problems.